Wednesday, February 18, 2009

day off

i just woke up at 4pm because 3 car alarms were going off at the same time! yesterday me and kristina had the day off (i actually have every day off) and we woke up around 2pm. after waking up and eatong breakfast we went to the movie theatre and watched coraline in 3d and the international.

coraline was a great story and so cool to watch, especially in 3d. its kind of like alice in wonderland meets beetlejuice. with claymation stop motion animation. my favorite part was either the cat or the kangaroo circus mice.

the second movie was the international which was altogether slow and boring with only the ending going for it. the best part is how the ending of the movie shows what life is really like. and kristina's favorite part is the aged italian hitman casually uttering "graci" to clive owen after he kills the evil banker.

on the way home we stopped to get chili, pizza, soda, cookies and ice cream. what else does anyone need, ever?